Tag Archive: rust

Rust: applications with plugin API

Some applications let their users modify their functionality. In most cases, it is done via plugins - small libraries that are being loaded by the main program, and then called in some specific circumstances. A well-known example would probably be the instant-messaging programs like Pidgin. They can communicate using various protocols (Jabber, Facebook, ...), have custom themes or provide additional functions thanks to the plugins that are available for them. In the Orbiter simulator the users can add new spaceships in the form of plugins. There are a lot of possible use cases. In this blog entry I'm going to present a way of achieving a similar effect in the Rust language. My way isn't probably the only one or the best, but I find it simple and convenient :)


Differential geometry in Rust

During the last few weeks I've been working on a library that would let the user do some differential-geometric calculations in Rust. By differential geometry I mean mostly the tensor calculus in curved spaces or space-times. I've already created something like that in C++, but I wanted to try and use some of the Rust features to create an improved version.

What could Rust do better?

The most convenient representation of tensors for doing calculations is in the form of arrays of numbers. The problem is that representing a tensor numerically requires choosing a coordinate system. Various operations, like for example addition of two tensors, only make sens when the tensors involved are expressed in the same coordinate system. The only possibility of enforcing this rule in C++ was to encode the coordinate system as a property of the tensor object and checking for compatibility in the operator code. This way any errors will be detected at runtime.

Ok, so the errors were detectable, so what could be done better? Well, for examples the tensors expressed in different coordinate systems could not only have a different value of some property, but be objects of different types. This way the error can be detected at compile time, before the program is even translated into an executable form. It wouldn't be very practical in C++, but the Rust type system allows to do it quite interestingly.
EDIT: It has been brought to my attention that C++'s templates also allow for this kind of thing. Nevertheless, doing it in Rust was a fun experiment :)


Generic arrays in Rust

Recently, I decided to try and "translate" the black hole simulator into Rust as an exercise. Initially I wanted to create a library implementing differential geometry, like tensor calculus, metric etc. I quickly encountered a problem.

Rust and arrays

Tensors are objects with some constant number of coordinates, depending on the dimension of the space they function in. For example, in an n-dimensional space, vectors have n coordinates, rank-2 tensors have n^2 etc. Arrays are perfect for representing such objects.
Rust handles arrays without problems. An array of N elements of type T is written in Rust as [T; N]. Everything would be fine, except for one tiny detail - I would like my code not to depend on the dimension of the space.

The problem

It is possible to define so-called generic types in Rust. They are datatypes that have internal details parametrized by some other type. For example, we could easily create a generic 3-dimensional vector:

What if we wanted to create an n-dimensional vector, though?

Nope. You can't express an integer type parameter in Rust.
It looked hopeless, but I accidentally stumbled upon some code that suggested the existence of a solution.

Rust version has caught up to the C one

It took a while, but the Rust version of the code generating the positions of galaxies has finally reached the level of functionality of the C version. Meanwhile, I have gathered quite a bit of interesting experience, which I'm now going to share.

Rust vs other languages

Programming in Rust is nothing like programming in any other language I've had contact with (which means mainly the C family and Python). One remotely similar experience was experimenting with Haskell, but even that generally due to incompatibility between my intuition and the language (although Rust has many functional features, but as will be mentioned later, one shouldn't overuse them...).
